More than 8 in 10 of students were posted to a secondary school within their first 3 choices, and more than 90% of students were posted to a school within their 6 choices, MOE said in a statement on 22nd December.
These posting outcomes for the 2021 PSLE cohort are comparable to previous years, including that of the 2020 PSLE cohort under the previous S1 Posting system using the PSLE T-score, MOE added

The Cut-Off Point (COP) refers to the PSLE Score of the last student posted to a particular school for each course. Schools’ COPs for the 2021 S1 Posting Exercise were largely stable – compared to the indicative COPs published by the Ministry of Education (MOE) earlier this year.
Schools that had fluctuations mostly saw a change of 1 Achievement Level (AL) in their COPs compared to their indicative COPs. No school has a COP of 4 or 5. The majority of schools’ COPs (based on the choice patterns of the 2021 PSLE cohort) were the same as their indicative COPs based on the 2020 PSLE cohort).
Students do not need to report immediately to their posted secondary schools after receiving their S1 Posting results. Instead, students should refer to their posted schools’ websites from 22 December 2021 for more information such as instructions on online purchase of books and uniforms, booklist, and the reporting details. Parents of the incoming S1 cohort who are on Parents Gateway (PG) will also receive information from the posted schools.
On the first day of school on 4 January 2022, if students are unable to report to their posted secondary school due to valid reasons, they may contact their posted secondary school directly to confirm that they are taking up the place, and the school will reserve the place for them.
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You can read more about More than 80% of students were posted to a secondary school at MOE’s S1 Posting website